All Points Honors Kurt Weidenthal in His Retirement

Huntsville, Alabama – All Points is proud of their team members and recently honored Colonel (R) Kurt Weidenthal with a retirement dinner in Huntsville, Alabama, where he worked and served as the Executive VP, Integrated Logistics.

We asked Kurt to share some of his thoughts from his 13+ years’ service to the company.

Kurt at AUSA VD parade

What brought you to All Points in 2012 and what positions did you hold while working for the company?

“I developed an incredibly positive relationship with All Points Logistics in 2004, when I was nearing retirement from the Army after 27 years. As it turned out, my last day of military service was a Friday, and I started with All Points on the following Monday. I developed an incredible relationship with then CEO Sam McGee, Phil Monkress, and Robyn Smith.  At the time, Phil was the COO and Robyn was head of HR. My focus was to work the Army market, and I did this until 2006.  In 2006, I went to Booz Allen Hamilton for 5 1/2 years but always reached back out to my close All Points colleagues to do whatever I could do for them.

I rejoined the All Points team in 2012 as Executive Vice President of Integrated Logistics. Whenever the word “logistics” came up, I was expected to contribute, and that was my key focus. And fun!!”

What is your favorite memory from working at All Points?

Phil and Kurt in Alaska

“Hey, just ask 100 employees—past and present—at All Points, and they will highlight the fact that CEO Phil Monkress made it a motivational and rewarding situation to want to come to work every day. One of my favorite memories was traveling with Phil to Ft. Greely, Alaska and Vandenberg AFB, California, after winning work on the Boeing team for the Missile Defense Agency and serving as their Program Manager. Across-the-board, everyone at All Points is on a first name basis and always willing to go out of their way for anyone on the team. I will say it about All Points forever—One Team—One Fight!”

What is one piece of advice you would give a new All Points team member coming on board now?

“I would sit down with this new fortunate person in my office and advise—understand the motto that our outstanding soldiers have lived for a couple of decades, and that is Be All YOU Can Be!  I don’t really know too

Kurt W at Natl AUSA 2023

many employees at All Points who have the exact same skill set and experience. Each was hired for a specific reason to contribute to the success of All Points in one way or another.

So, whether you are a cyber guru, overly smart engineer, awesome project manager, one-of-a-kind logistician, or working as a BD/HR/IT specialist, please look in the mirror every day when you wake up and say, “How am I going to Be All I Can Be?” and then deliver in the best way you can—for All Points Logistics!  And you will succeed!

What is one thing you’re most looking forward to in your new retirement?

I have already discovered there are six Saturdays and one Sunday in a work week.  I have a 3 x 5 listing the things I want to get done each day and at the end of the day they are crossed off!

Kurt his wife Sue with grandkids

  • Family First! We have a traveling nurse son who is up in Maine that we will visit in July. We have a brewmaster son and family of four in Arizona that we will visit this summer. I’m taking one of our granddaughters out to Redstone to the driving range to teach her to hit some balls and do some putting. The other little will learn to put hot dog portions on her fishing hook and reel in the local six inchers! I’ve been exploring the world of RVs and some fun scenarios to research.
  • I will continue to have a blast and contribute through the Association of the US Army (AUSA) to support our soldiers and civilians, along with over 3000 local members and 350 corporate members here in Huntsville. I’ve been in this booming metropolis for 23 years now, and it does not get any better than this! During Armed Forces Week, I gathered up 10 people to hand out 4,000 bottles of water at the Army concert in the park with the mayor, supported two Army luncheons, one Army prayer breakfast, and the big Army birthday on a Friday night.  I thought it was a homecoming fraternity week! Always something going on every month in the outstanding DOD and NASA community!

The All Points team thanks Kurt for all his years of service, and we wish him all the best in his retirement!