08 Feb All Points Employee Sherry Devineni Receives MSFC Award
Ms. Sherry Devineni received a MSFC Certificate of Appreciation Honor Award (CAHA) for her dedication and excellence in Information Technology security support for the Engineering Directorate and MSFC.
Ms. Devineni has demonstrated, on a day-to-day basis, dedication and excellence in meeting NASA’s mission success through her outstanding support to the Engineering Directorate (ED). She serves as Information Technology (IT) security specialist within the Resource Management Office and is involved in coordinating, monitoring, performing and integrating work in all phases of IT security for ED. The Engineering Directorate has 28 System Security Plans (SSPs) that cover over 53 Applications. Ms. Devineni reviews all the SSPs and works diligently with the Department/Lab personnel to ensure all plans meet NASA and MSFC standards. She is also instrumental in helping personnel complete their annual IT risk assessment. She actively supports the continuous monitoring process within ED for IT security. She has processed 246 accepted risks for the SSPs, actively working actions identified for SSPs, and working vulnerability tickets within ED.
Ms. Devineni is continually analyzing IT processes and readily takes on initiatives to improve methods of operations. Her efficiencies in operations and attention to detail help minimize the time the ED’s Organization Computer Security Official (OCSO) and Authorizing Official (AO) spend working IT related issues, allowing them to focus more of their time on strategic planning and decision making for NASA/MSFC Programs and Projects. Ms. Devineni is a person of impeccable character, has excellent interpersonal skills, and is well respected by her peers, customers, and management. She is very conscious of deadlines and always willing to go the extra mile and put in extra time when necessary to get the job done. Her work in support of the Engineering Directorate truly reflects a commitment to excellence and a spirit of teamwork. Even when very busy with her job, Ms. Devineni is willing to assist others in performing their tasks and does so with a smile and upbeat attitude.
Congratulations, Sherry!